Clarence Bass Ripped Pdf Free
Clarence bass PDF download.Clarence Bass, Clarence Bass Challenge Yourself - Leanness, Fitness & Health - At Any Age Publisher: Clarence Bass's Ripped (May 20, 1999. A Review of Ripped 2 by Clarence Bass. Clarence Bass is one of those authors where I constantly say to myself, 'Oh, why O why didn't I read this twenty years ago?!?'
Clarence Bass is the very definition of the term ripped. Long before the world knew what it meant to be truly ripped to shreds, Clarence was amazing readers across the globe with his physique. Now, in his 70's, Clarence Bass is still going strong. He is as lean as ever. For more information on the living legend Clarence Bass, please visit his website, or check out his Ripped or Lean Advantage book series.
Muscle and Strength: I began lifting as a teen in the late 70's. At that time, you could barely pick up a magazine or bodybuilding book, and not see a picture of Clarence Bass. For those not familiar with Clarence Bass, could you please tell us about your background, and how exactly you became such a popular bodybuilding icon? Clarence Bass: I began lifting when I was about 13 and never stopped. Began as an Olympic lifter and turned to in my late 30s. Won my class in Past 40 Mr.
America and Mr. Wrote the book Ripped in 1980, and began writing a column in Muscle & Fitness about the same time; continued writing this column until about 1996, when I started an online column on our website:
Clarence Bass Ripped Diet
Just posted articles #145 and 146 this week. Best evidence of what I've been doing along with practicing law and writing books are my photos from 15 to 70:. Muscle and Strength: Do you have good genetics for staying lean and ripped, or is it all about diet for you?
Clarence Bass: People who say bodybuilding is largely often have an axe to grind. Starving yourself is certainly not the secret to becoming and staying lean. I believe my success comes mainly from careful attention to healthy eating and regular training, weights and aerobics. To the best of my knowledge, no one else in my family has even remotely approached my level of leanness, much less maintained it for decades on end. My genes obviously provide the potential to be lean and muscular.
My guess is that most people have the capacity to do what I have done, or come very close. I am an example of what happens when potential and healthy, active lifestyle come together.
Muscle and Strength: This may seem like an odd question, but I need to ask it. You always look in peak shape. Has there been a period of time in the last 30 years that you've let yourself go, at least a little bit? Clarence Bass: Sure, like most people, my body composition fluctuations over the course of the year, but only about five pounds in my case. I believe that's the key to staying lean. It's so much easier than gaining 20 or 30 pounds, like many do, and than starving yourself to take it off again for photos or a contest. Cutting calories severely not only makes you miserable, it also causes a slowdown in metabolism, which speeds up weight gain the next time around.
It's an insidious and viscous cycle. Most people lose muscle with each up-and-down cycle, the reverse of what bodybuilders hope for. Chris Lund, some years ago, told me I was the only bodybuilder he'd photographed who didn't pig out after the shoot. I told him that I didn't starve myself before the shoot and had no urge to overeat afterwards. (I don't think he believed me) Muscle and Strength: What does your current look like, and has you approach to training changed at all with age? Clarence Bass: My basic approach to training hasn't changed for more than 20 years. My workouts are short, hard, and equally balanced between weights and aerobics.
I sit down with my training diary before every training session and look for ways to improve over the last time I did the workout. I believe that mindset is what keeps me motivated. I don't believe in training to maintain. That doesn't mean I train to failure every workout, however. I still train in hard/easy cycles of gradually increasing intensity; see.
I have made some adjustments over the years - for my hip replacement, for example - but the basic approach remains the same. I currently do three workouts a week; one weights, one aerobics, and one half and half. The specific details are in my new book Great Expectations. I make it a point to stay active on off days. Muscle and Strength: Clarence, can you tell us a bit more about your latest book, Great Expectations. What other topics and subjects do you cover? Clarence Bass: Great Expectations is my ninth book.
As the title suggests, it's about becoming and staying lean, strong, and fit at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and beyond - far longer than most people think possible. Using my own example and science, I explain that we don't have get weaker and fatter as we age. There is no physiological reason for your metabolism to slow down if you don't. I focus on basic concepts of diet and training that are often ignored or misunderstood, telling in detail about my own diet and training for the book photos. I also explain how I have managed to stay motivated for over five decades; without, of course, we are dead in the water, going nowhere. We think of this book as a blueprint for a long and healthy life.
Young or old, I tell people to expect - and work for - the best. If you think you can, you probably can. Vibrant health, fitness, and leanness are there for those who choose to train, eat, and live well. That's the basic theme of the book. You'll find more details on our website, including reviews and reader comments:.
Muscle and Strength: One of the topics you cover in the book is the psychological side of training. Motivation is a hard thing to maintain. Why do you feel that so many people fail in their perpetual quest for a nice body and healthy lifestyle?
Clarence Bass: Most people think success in training comes from discipline and toughing it out. In my experience, that's wrong. Success comes from making each workout an enjoyable experience you want to repeat over and over. That's means continually challenging yourself with reasonable goals. Set yourself up for success in every workout.
Success breeds success. Remember that a goal achieved is a goal lost. Keep looking for realistic new ways to improve. Nothing is more motivating than progress toward a meaningful goal.
Make training a process you never want to end. Muscle and Strength: This would also imply that a trainee needs to find a routine or training style that not only produces results, but that also is enjoyable. In the Internet era, a lifter can instantly be overwhelmed by information on training and. This confusion can often lead to frustration and depression.and may impact a trainee's ability to enjoy the process. How do you recommend that a young trainee process information, and find confidence - and a workout that is enjoyable? Clarence Bass: First, the things we enjoy most are the ones we do best. While it may sound counterintuitive, it's best to focus on your strengths.
So one of first things to decide is whether you are an endurance person or a person; some of course like both. I'm a strength guy, so I favor weight training and high-intensity intervals. It doesn't take long to find out what you do best. I learned long ago that I'm not a marathoner. Regarding information, it takes a while to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. A good place to start would be with a book or books on the basics of training. You'll find basic books on our products page for women, young athletes, older lifter, and for beginners.
Surprisingly, many people don't take time to learn the basics, so that alone will give you a head start over most people. After that it's simply a matter of reading widely and trying things that make sense to you.
That's what my Ownership Principle is about:. Keep in mind that things that sound too good to be true usually are.
Walk away from the quick fix. Training requires thought and effort.
Things are usually worth about what you put into them. Before starting a diet or an exercise program, ask yourself if it is something you are likely to enjoy doing indefinitely. If the answer is no, go back to the drawing board. Muscle and Strength: Your article on 'ownership' is extremely enlightening.
I often see someone who succeeds at or step out and say.' This is the only way!' Unfortunately, this often closes doors instead of opening them. Can you break down what 'ownership' is for those reading this interview who haven't read the article? Clarence Bass: The Ownership Principle is the final chapter in my book Lean For Life. The chapter is available on our website in its entirety. (I provided a link in my previous answer.) The Ownership Principle says to examine various diets and training plans and accept - or reject - them based on whether they appeal and make sense to you.
That includes those recommended by me. Take parts of various plans and create your own plan - own it. That means you take responsibility. If it doesn't work, you have no one to blame but yourself. When you 'own' a regimen, you have a stake in the plan - and you're more likely to stick to it.
It also has the advantage of being a plan uniquely designed for you, by you. In short, develop your own health and fitness lifestyle. Muscle and Strength: Weight training is rarely looked at through the lens of longevity. Generally, lifters only begin to think about joint, muscle and tendon health after they are injured. Are there specific ways a lifter can train, or approach training, so that they can stave off injuries, remain healthy, and continue lifting throughout the course of their entire life?
Clarence Bass: My rule has long been, If It Hurts Don't Do It! Saves a lot of grief, if followed. Attempting to train through injuries is a bad idea.
Better to let injuries heal by resting a few extra days or training around the injury. I know that's sometimes hard to do, but it saves down time in the long run. There are also adjustments that can be made in exercise performance. Something as simple as switching from barbell to can make a big difference. Resting longer between workouts also allows small injuries to heal. Lifting more slowly or not locking out can also be a big help, mainly because it allows you use less weight and still train with great intensity. It's much easier on the joints.
Better safe than sorry. When you've been training as long as I have you learn to be careful.
If you don't, you pay a heavy price. The body becomes less forgiving as you get older. You are forced to train more wisely, or else. I've been very fortunate, but it's no accident. Muscle and Strength: I see on your website that you offer consultation services. Can you tell us more about this?
Clarence Bass: We offer phone and in-person consultations. Both are tailored to the individual. We ask for background information, goals and how we can help in advance so I can prepare. Your readers will find full details on our website:.
Muscle and Strength: We talked earlier about goals. What are your goals for 2010, and are you planning another book? Clarence Bass: My plan for immediate future is to keep training and trying to improve. Longer term, I plan to have more photos taken when I turn 75.
Photos now would be repeat of those in Great Expectations. I hope and expect to look as good or better at 75 as I did at 70. I write new articles for our website every month. When I have enough material - and a new theme - I'll write a new book.
I don't know when that will be. I can tell you, however, that I have no plans to stop writing or training.
Harvard Study Confirms Ripped Diet Philosophy From The Desk Of Clarence Bass If you enjoy and benefit from our website and products, tell your friends. “I discovered by eating only natural, unprocessed foods, you avoid almost all concentrated calorie foods, and you won’t overeat. You’ll become lean.” Clarence Bass, Ripped: The Sensible Way to Achieve Ultimate Muscularity (1980) “In general, changes in the consumption of refined or processed foodswere positively associated with weight gain, whereas changes in the consumption of unprocessed foods such as whole grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables were inversely associated with weight gain.” Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, Frank B. Hu, MD, Walter Willett, MD, et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, June 23, 2011 Harvard Study Confirms Ripped Diet Philosophy Some people in and out of bodybuilding may have said (or thought to themselves) the Ripped diet philosophy couldn’t possibly work. It’s too straightforward, too simple, too satisfying. But it does work. A team of Harvard doctors analyzed the diet and lifestyle habits of 120,877 men and women over a 20 year period.
They found that eating more whole, unprocessed foods stops creeping obesity in its tracks. It’s an amazing study, full of common sense details. The pound a year that most people gain starting in young adulthood (sometimes sooner) is making us a nation of fatties (details below). Two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Even our kids are getting fatter; childhood obesity has tripled in the last three decades. This study proposes a largely untried approach to the obesity epidemic. “This suggests that the path to eating fewer calories is not simply to count calories, but to focus on consuming a more healthy diet in general,” lead researcher Dariush Mozaffarian (associate professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health) told The Wall Street Journal’s Christina Tsuei.
Don’t waste your time counting calories; focus instead on the kind of food you eat. Eating regular meals to keep your energy and appetite on an even keel is also important. The Harvard team came to that conclusion by calculating how much weight participants gained or lost every four years based on one additional serving per day of a wide range of foods. It’s the most comprehensive look ever at the effect of individual foods on body weight.
They found that small changes in what you eat can make big changes in weight gain or loss over time. No one ever got fat overnight; we get fat very slowly. That’s why it’s called creeping obesity. One pound a year starting at 25 adds up to a 30 pound gain by age 55. Unfortunately most people also lose one half pound of muscle every year, bringing the total fat gain to 45 pounds at age 55.
Happily, small changes in what you eat over time can stop and even reverse this dismal trend. Exercise helps to prevent loss of muscle, but diet plays the larger role in weight control, according to Dr.
Frank Hu, one of the study leaders. “Diet and exercise are important for preventing weight gain, but diet clearly plays a bigger role,” said Hu. (Exercise makes diet work better, especially for serious exercisers-strength and aerobics-like me and most visitors to this website; for details see.) Here are some enlightening examples of what the Harvard team found. They found that the effect of eating potatoes depended on the form in which the potato was eaten. Adding a serving of French fries correlated with a 3.35 pound gain over four years; a serving of potato chips (about 15 chips and 160 calories) added 1.69 pounds, while boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes added only 0.57 pounds. (A serving of large fries contains between 500 and 600 calories, while a large baked potato is only 280 calories.). On the other hand, adding a serving of low-fat or skim milk had little or no effect on body weight; it was essentially neutral (0.06).
Sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% fruit juice, however, add 1.00 and 0.31 pounds, respectively. (All values were adjusted for other changes that would affect weight change, such as physical activity, alcohol use, TV watching, and smoking.) As you can see, what you eat and the form in which you eat it makes a substantial difference; bulky, whole foods with nothing added or subtracted are best for weight control. Many people, of course, eat more than one fattening food, and the accumulated calories pile up over time. Other foods that added weight over 4-year periods included processed meats (0.93 lb), unprocessed red meats (0.95), sweets and desserts (0.41), butter (0.30), and refined grains (0.39). Slimming foods included fruits (-0.49), vegetables (-0.22), nuts (-0.57), whole grains (-0.37), and yogurt (-0.82).
Stick with unprocessed, whole foods (without added sugar or fat); do that and you won’t have room for fattening refined and sugary foods. Believe it or not, you won’t want the fattening foods on a regular basis. You’ll become lean. The Harvard researchers pooled the results of three 20-year studies of men and women (nurses and other health professionals) who were not obese and without chronic disease when the studies began. Subjects were queried about what they ate and other lifestyle behaviors every four years; their weight was also recorded.
Diet and lifestyle changes were analyzed in relation to weight gain or loss every four years. Physical activity was associated with an average weight loss of 1.76 pounds each four years. Within each 4-year period, participants gained 3.35 pounds on average (-4.1 to 12.4). As you can see, the participants were a good representation of average healthy Americans-who typically suffer from creeping obesity. What’s the Explanation? It’s really pretty simple and straightforward. Here’s how the Harvard guys explained it.
(Hang with me; it’s a bit long. They have a lot of interesting details to tell us about.) First, they have great confidence in their results.
They showed that small changes translate to large changes over time, confirming that we grow fat slowly but surely—about 0.80 pounds a year across the three studies. “Whereas weight changes associated with any single lifestyle factors were relatively modest in our three studies, in the aggregate, changes in diet and physical activity accounted for large differences in weight gain,” they wrote in the “Discussion” portion of their report. “The results were similar across the three separate studies, increasing our confidence in the validity and generalization of the finding.” Refined foods are less satisfying, leaving you hungry again sooner, leading to overeating. “These findings are consistent with those suggested by results in limited short-term trials: Consumption of starches and refined grains may be less satiating, increasing hunger signals and total caloric intake, as compared with the equivalent number of calories obtained from less processed, higher-fiber foods that also contain healthy fats and protein,” the researchers explained. Eating more healthy foods actually reduces total calorie intake. “Some foods—vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole grains—were associated with less weight gain when consumption was actually increased,” they wrote. In short, with some foods more is less—more satisfaction and fewer calories consumed.
“Higher fiber content and slower digestion of these foods would augment satiety, and their consumption would also displace other, more highly processed foods in the diet, providing plausible biologic mechanisms whereby persons who eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains would gain less weight over time,” the Harvard team explained. It’s less clear, however, why yogurt consumption is associated with weight loss. “It is possible that there is an unmeasured confounding factor that tracks with yogurt consumption; perhaps people who change their yogurt consumption may have other weight-influencing behaviors that were not measured by our instruments,” they opined. People who eat yogurt may be more likely to exercise and have other healthy habits.
Why is 100% fruit juice moderately fattening? “Short-term controlled trials suggest that liquids are less satiating than solid foods, increasing the total amount of energy consumed,” they relate. Eating the whole fruit is more filling and satisfying; it also takes longer to eat and digest. “Overall, our analysis showed that changes in the consumption of all liquids except milk were positively associated with weight gain.” the researchers continued.
“Temporary trends render our findings especially relevant: between 1965 and 2002, U.S. Beverage consumption increased from 11.8 to 21% of all calories consumed—222 more kilocalories per person per day—with sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol accounting for 60% and 32% of the increases, respectively.” (Put down that soda pop and skip the brew.) The study showed relatively neutral changes—no gain or loss—for dairy products, including whole-fat milk and cheese. The researchers had no explanation, except to say that prior studies showed “associations similar to ours for the overall categories of whole-fat and low-fat dairy products.” A Swedish study found that women who consumed whole milk and cheese lost weight. In addition, several long-term studies showed an “inverse association between dairy consumption and the risk of insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome, or diabetes.” Dairy products seem to be generally healthy and do not make us fat. Perhaps the fat in dairy products slows rate of absorption, leveling blood sugar and dampening appetite. (I prefer skim milk; I rarely drink it alone, however.) Now, let’s look at the big picture, which includes some surprises. “Several dietary metrics that are currently emphasized, such as fat content, energy density, and added sugars, would not have reliably identified the dietary factors that we found to be associated with long-term weight gain,” the team wrote.
“For example, most of the foods that were positively associated with weight gain were starches or refined carbohydrates; no significant differences were seen for low-fat and skim milk, and the consumption of nuts was inversely associated with weight gain. Clear patterns were also not seen in the relationship between weight change and the energy density of dietary componentsFoods that contained higher amounts of refined carbohydrates—whether these were added (e.g., in sweets and desserts) or were not added (e.g., in refined grains)—were associated with weight gain in similar waysNo single metric appears to capture these complexities.” One overriding theme does, however, captured the essence of what the Harvard researchers found. “In general, changes in the consumption of refined or processed foods and liquid carbohydrates or alcohol were positively associated with weight gain, whereas changes in the consumption of unprocessed foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables were inversely associated with weight gain.” Again, unrefined, whole foods curb weight gain, while refined or processed foods make us fat. There’s more about physical activities, TV watching, sleep, and other factors, but that’s enough for now. Just one more point—a big one. We Don’t Have to be a Nation of Fatties The answer—the cure—is there for the taking. “A habitual energy imbalance of about 50 to 100 kcal per day may be sufficient to cause the gradual weight gain seen in most persons,” the Harvard researchers observed.
“This means that unintended weight gain occurs easily but also that modest, sustained changes in lifestyle could mitigate or reverse such an energy imbalance.” (Emphasis mine) In short, the solution is straightforward and simple—no suffering required. That’s the key point, isn’t it? We don’t have to punish ourselves to control body weight. We just have to eat a little more wisely and become a little more active. Hopefully, this landmark study will help spread the good word to Americans everywhere. Who said the obesity epidemic can’t be reversed?
I believe it can. The Ripped eating style is the answer. I’m living proof that it works—as are the many people who have perused this website and read our books—and taken the Ripped philosophy to heart. For more details, see Diet and Training Philosophy, in Brief. Ripped Enterprises, P.O. Box 51236, Albuquerque, New Mexico or street address: 528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108, Phone (505) 266-5858, e-mail:, FAX: (505) 266-9123.
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8-5, Mountain time. FAX for international orders: Please check with your local phone book and add the following: 001-505 266-9123 Copyright © 2011 Clarence and Carol Bass. All rights reserved.